honeycomb sky. all over. this morning

2014 08 31  Morning 7.30am jpg sig
7 30 am. Looking up at the sky from the bedroom window; honeycomb stretched all over the sky. Felt like being wrapped up inside from here to there.[There must be a name for this sort of cloud]. The day turned out hot and it felt like summer again. Nice, after it being so cold for days on end. End of summer. September tomorrow.
Diary. Gill McGrath©. Last day of August

6 thoughts on “honeycomb sky. all over. this morning

  1. You got the effect I was after! Nice shot – the evening clouds here were surreal – Chilterns micro climate does create some odd skies.


    1. Thanks. The clouds were right above our house and seemed touchable! I always think the skies here have a a life of their own! Something to do with living on a hill. (The Cotswolds so not far from you!) 🙂


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