26 thoughts on “birds thinking of dancing in the moonlight this weekend…….

  1. woo-hoo! Loved the dancing post Gill, the pigeons and bathing songbird photos were lovely. But my total delight came in the video. I like old movies, and Rita Hayworth is my FAVORITE DANCER OF ALL TIME. This clip was like a giant banana split, with four solid minutes of nothing but her entrancing talents. There were even a few clips I didn’t recognize, which is a fun surprise too. Many thanks! 😀


  2. Loving the bird photos. I’ve been photographing at the rookery., being spring, activity never ending: egret parents coming and going, unruly chicks clamor, anhinga fanned wings, blue herons, to name a few, even a young alligator glides in the pond. Many thanks for sharing your photos, and verses written. Connie


    1. I am so glad you like the bird photos. The birds can be so entertaining and so close to home! We don’t get alligators but I understand there are a few heron
      that gather near the river a big walk from here! Gill ❤


    1. Wood pigeons stretching and strutting their stuff. There are two pairs that hang about here and just then there were four of them taking it in turns to bath. This was midway between turns! ❤ X

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love, love these shots and the video.. Have a beautiful weekend too my dear. Take care, from Laura


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