The Challenge: day 2…

the art of tra.nsformation art of tra. discuss……
2015 06 25 transformation DSCN3241 jpg sig

The sun has it
~ the art ~ that is
~ She takes this place
and whispers mist
then simply waits~
(for me to click!)
Gill McGrath© this morning June 25. 5 to 5
sunrise described [artoftra© 2015]

…..That was my challenge attempt for today 2/5
Thank you for the invite Holly a wonderful and gifted poet @ heartafire …go there!

The challenge is –
“Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge. So….

……. I challenge Dr Ali who has a very special way with words….

10 thoughts on “The Challenge: day 2…

    1. Thanks Jet. The sun hasn’t shown up so much lately in the morning with any fanfare. This was quite thrilling.Especially with the addition of mists . They have been missing too! 🙂

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