24 thoughts on “caught making honey ~ while the sun shines

  1. Fabulous photography I love the peaceful fields of golden wheat. And of course I love the roosters! Hugs gill. Have a great day


  2. This sequence is fabulous….love all the images and now that I am living in London the reminder that harvesting and farming is moving towards autumn and winter. It’s interesting how we tend to forget these things when we live in an urban atmosphere. The final image is superb. Janet. 🙂


    1. Thanks for your appreciation Janet. With rain dragging in today again the farmers here are picking their moments to crop the over ripe abundance in the slomo fields . Seems that time and the season is moving fast here……. faster than it is in town!!!!


      1. Keep the wonderful photographs coming…..I do hope that I live long enough to find myself living back in the countryside, in this country or wherever, in my Marmite Heaven, meanwhile, I will live vicariously through you. Janet. x


      2. Thanks Janet. Had a bit of a panic here earlier, I found my site had changed its layout and some content overnight and I couldn’t get it all back in place as it was…. so I changed themes to restore some sort of order. Word press is messing about with changing the reader etc, but this was a bit of a surprise! A couple of wasted hours!


      3. I don’t like it when they change things. Since the recent overall change I am having trouble in finding the re blog button!:) HOpe things get to normal soon, and enjoy the day. Janet. x


      4. I am still trying to make sense of what happened and with this new theme I am not sure how clear anything looks here! I think I may be off air for a bit!!


    1. Hi Julie
      Thanks for your words! As for the pigeons … nicely spotted….. and they probably are the ones who hang outside in our garden ( more accurately outside the bedroom window)~not sure about the crows though ….as Ermine Breasted Jack ….the big giveaway…. was not there ( Probably observing for other snacks on our roof.)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. the fields/farms are near my house…. I do not own or work on the fields! There are plenty more fields ready to harvest for miles around though!


  3. always feel that harvest casts a shadow of autumn even as the sun shines – love the ‘Wheatfield with Crows’ capture p.s. you seem to have caught Bombus lapidarius, a Red tailed bumblebee too


    1. Hi Laura . Thanks for the name of the bee. Lovely! Yes rather alarming~ the autumn feel to the harvesting. A lot of haymaking at the moment (for animal feed?) probably because it has been so dry although plenty of rain yesterday and more to come! Thanks for the name of the bee!


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