Rooster News: “Gettin’ the hang of it!”

….. Yes it’s Brian the talking  Rooster from Uncle Spike’s Farm again.
Brian is the regular monthly guest from Uncle Spike’s Adventures ……..Press to visit and see more life on the lovely Turkish farm!
PRESS LOGO v  for more Brian and the original Duke Diaries
Brian 07 talking bird  
Episode 9
Hellooo Aunty Gill – yep, another month and I’m still here!!
Mrs Fox has been back…, but only very late at nights, and by then we are all tucked up under the kitchen stairs with the metal gate across to keep us all safe, so ha ha Mrs Fox 

Brian 09
I’ve been really practicing my singing lots and lots Aunty Gill, especially at two in the morning. I really think my voice sounds best just around that time, but Farmer Spike seems to disagree. But what does he know, eh? This is a photograph that Farmer Spike took of me this week. I was singing my special afternoon song, celebrating a cuddle with Missy a few minutes beforehand. I like cuddling a lot, so I like singing too I guess…

Brian 10

I tend to do my singing as high up as I can find. I don’t mean from a tree; that would be silly and dangerous – and a bit scary too. But I do like to sing my songs from on top of the coffee table most days. Farmer Spike tells me off though. I think he likes my singing really… but I think he gets annoyed coz I tend to get all excited and drop a little something at the end of my song.Brian 11

Sometimes I stand on top of Junior Spike’s toys to do a spot of yodelling too. That’s fun! But the other day I didn’t half panic. Up I jumped. Flapped my wings to get ready (as us roosters do), and started to sing. One second later the thing went and moved down the slope!!! I almost fell off. I didn’t, but I did do a little something on there as well, oops!
Brian 12

Chat next month I hope… See ya; from Rooster Nephew, Brian xx

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ………………………..

Hi Brian ~ Lovely to hear from you and to know you are doing so well. I hope you are getting your driver’s license in order! There is nothing quite like winging around in a smart flashy car to impress the ladies! Lots of love take care and see you same place next month from Aunty Gill XX ❤

21 thoughts on “Rooster News: “Gettin’ the hang of it!”

  1. Brian, since when has Farmer Spike been letting you inside on his coffee table?
    Also, I think a fine young rooster like you might want to invest in some calling cards to hand out “post recital” so to speak. Folks may warm up to them more than, well, what you are using currently.
    🙂 m & jb


    1. Hi Julie . I switched on the computer this morning and I found my site had altered itself over night….showing up things I had tucked away long ago and hiding other recent things I couldn’t restore! I sat there with no idea how to put all back .I am not sure how the change happened so I guess it had something to do with ‘wordpress’ who seem to be changing things around everywhere at the moment. I quickly changed the whole theme to something called ‘scrawl’ which has everything more or less how it should be, in a different sort of lay out! It was a bit of a panic for a while. What was it on the home page you saw? It kept coming up with a new page for me!!!!!! ❤


      1. Hey Gill, get in touch with WP. If you have just purchased the theme I’m sure they can help. And your site looks different to how it looked before too. Very strange. I wish I could help!


      2. that’s what i wondered, but it is still available. It did strange things like putting a couple of old posts on my twitter and pages (unpublished) were put out as well. Over night. I was n`t there! And i could n’t undo anything except start and transfer to new theme! Managed to settle the gremlins!


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